Out of curiosity last night I procured some Kava Kava root from the Wedge Natural Foods co-op here in my neighborhood in Minneapolis. I had been reading about Kava lately and wanted to try it out; as a potter I am always interested in trying any kind of beverage, especially traditional ones. Kava is a plant related to black pepper from Polynesia that's root is used to make a yellow muddy drink with reportedly relaxing effects. It is traditionaly drank at night as a social drink. It has been used there for thousands of years as a medicinal herb and ceremonial beverage.
Here's how to prepare it. I bought about 1/10 of a pound of Kava root. Ground it in my coffee grinder into a fine powder. In the blender with 2 cups of filtered water I added the approximate 4 Tablespoons of Kava powder to 16 oz (2 cups) of water. I blended this concoction for about 3 minutes. I poured this mixture into a big mixing bowl lined with cheese cloth and squeezed the liquid through the cheesecloth into the bowl. discard the pulp, transfer the liquid into a glass. I chilled the mixture in the fridge for half an hour. Let me tell you. It tasted really earthy and pretty bad to be honest.